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Esera Mose
Risk Something GOOD To Be Something GREAT!!!
Before he brought Q Sciences to the global platform it has become today, Mark was a retired professional athlete in Seattle with a lot of time but little ambition. He took up golf as a hobby (and to get out of Colleen’s way at home), and became a member of a local country club. He befriended (well, befr-enemied) a fellow golfer at the club whom he thought would spark a sense of healthy rivalry. Derek was a lot like Mark: 6’5”, 220 pounds, retired athlete. The only visible difference was that Mark golfed on a big handicap, and Derek golfed a -5.
Discouraged, Mark wondered to himself why he wasn’t golfing at the same proficiency as Derek. It bothered him a lot, day after day, until he realized one day that this issue took up most of his current life. On this day he asked himself an important question: “Is this really what you are going to do EVERYDAY for the rest of your life?”
Mark quit the golf country club the next day and immediately began pursuing his passion in health. In his address, he explained how he met Dr. K in 2012 who helped launch Q Sciences with formulation of great supplements, and then Jake and Sarah Spencer, who upgraded our financial movement with their leadership.
The major takeaways from Marc’s address? Risk something good to be something great! You may like what you do, you may like your life, but if you’re asking yourself: “Is this really what you are going to do EVERYDAY for the rest of your life?” and your answer is something less than “Yes!”, then it may be time to take a risk on something GREAT!
We have so many more presenters today who will share lots of helpful information and inspiring stories. We will continue to share today and tomorrow as we are excited and enlightened by the events here at VELOCITY 2021!