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Matt Beaudin
President’s Pick: Nicole Trigg – La Quinta, California
Nicole Trigg, who recently achieved the rank of Gold, left Jake Spencer no choice. Prior to the December CEO Call, where Jake announces his President’s Pick for the month, the discussion turned to Nicole. Despite being featured as a Rising Star earlier this year, unrivaled production and business success made her selection a no-brainer.
Since joining Q Sciences in June 2020, Nicole and her team have been on fire. Her 44 personal enrollments have led to over 350 new Ambassadors from her team and 605 new Preferred Customers. But what has generated the energy behind this growing wave of momentum? She broke it down for us in her own words:
What’s your system for success?
“The power in helping NEW people and duplicating it. Launching is one of my favorite parts of Q Sciences. You get to really hear the heart for why someone chose Q and why they are passionate about sharing its platform… and then you get to walk alongside them and their Sponsor as they succeed together. There’s nothing like watching that confidence grow as they duplicate and develop their leadership.”
How does your WHY inspire you to take action?
“There are so many people out there who are struggling and need the gift we have to offer: products, opportunity, community. When I get discouraged or distracted, I am reminded of the stories and testimonials that we’ve been entrusted with and the passion to find more. My own personal Why for my life is showing people how specifically loved and seen they are by God and I get to do that here through leadership and helping our team in the giftings they were given by Him to help His people.”
What’s your strategy to closing the month?
“No matter where I am with my own personal business, already meeting my goal rank or still pushing for it, I always want to help our team get to their goals. The last week of the month I spend the majority of my working hours identifying how close our team is to the next customer commission tier or next rank qualification, and then working with them to ensure they reach it. I truly believe you can have whatever you want in this life if you help other people achieve what they want.”
What are your top three do-nots?
1: “Do not compare. It not only robs the world of you not sharing the specific gifting you were given… it also becomes paralyzing where you can’t fully grow into your purpose here.”
2: “Do not force or convince people to join when they aren’t ready. That’s why I love our customer program and reward referrals from them. If they aren’t fully ready to share our platform as a business, you are going to exhaust yourself convincing them to work or even stay in the business.”
3: “Do not give up on or underestimate people. Timing in this industry still amazes me. People I never thought would join end up being the biggest leaders and people who have given me hard no’s (multiple times) end up being the biggest testimonials or referrals.”
What has been your greatest find?
“The Link Tree Launch! It’s a step-by-step launch link that I still walk through personally with them, but it flows perfectly, and all of the resources are right there for them.”
What does a typical workday look like for you?
“I love to wake up early; before I even begin to check messages, I love to read a small devotional and verse. I just find if I don’t give my ‘first fruits’ in gratitude, my whole day seems to be off. Plus, I love seeing how often the same topic I studied pops up as encouragement throughout the day. I then spend about a solid hour responding to messages, following up with people who just received their product, do my own personal social media post, and map out my day. I carve out about four hours midday for productivity and launching and then another two hours in the evening for QIQ’s, trainings, and social media engagement. I love that between 2:00-5:00 p.m. there is a lull in activity on social media, which gives me solid time to be really present with my children when they get home from school.”